
(post updated July 21, 2010) It has been more than a year since I have posted to my PS blog.  In all of that time I have learned much and spent most of my savings going from one doctor to another looking for solutions.  Oh, the stories I could tell.  Wait a minute.  Isn't that what this blog is for?  First off, let me point out that the person mentioned in the previous blog posting wasn't able to help me at all.  I had such high hopes!!!  In fact, I am removing her name because I don't wan't to mislead people in any way into thinking one type of therapy might work better over another therapy or that this therapist was endorsed by me. This was an expensive lesson.

(the following is the original post, only slightly edited to remove the name I mentioned above) This has been an strange month in a lot of ways. Due to a series of coincidences, I discovered a wonderful Doctor of Oriental Medicine. Actually, I started seeing her because I have been experiencing vertigo for over a month. Of course my treatment started the traditional way with antibiotics and Dramamine and a diuretic and anti-inflammatory medicine, and ear drops... and all of this after a blood test to rule out the usual Mexican culprits. Of these, nothing worked and it just seemed to get worse. xxxxxxxxxxx, here in San Miguel, said that I had called the right person and we started the acupuncture and herbs this past Monday.

In the meantime, I told her about my anxiety and we are going to be doing a diagnostic next week to see what the cause of all this is about. I have finally been able to sleep since the treatments started on Monday and my vertigo is much better! What a relief.


Anonymous said…
ahhh, yaya has been going to see her for over a year now... she also helped me out with a lower back trauma that had me crawling to my bed a few months back. good stuff.
Anonymous said…
who knew life was going to be this difficult
who knew it would take a world of healers
to answer the many calls of pain
and what is pain after all
is it a tap dance of humor upon our unknowing
is it a restlessness of craved certainty
instead of a cry of unknowing or fear
ah perhaps it really is just a bunch of cells
making angry noises at the neighbors
think how often it causes us to make new friends
like that the purpose?

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