When Fear Falls Away

"When Fear Falls Away - The Story of a Sudden Awakening", by Jan Frazier is my book of the week. I loved it so much that I set up an appointment with Jan and we talked for almost an hour. "When Fear Falls Away", is a book about an ordinary woman that was filled with fear, and eventually, she woke up and all of her fear was gone. The book is set up in journal fashion with many entries from the early days when she suffered a lot. It takes the reader through her many different spiritual searches and then suddenly, and shockingly, she experiences an awakening! Her life after the awakening is the most profound part of the book. I had no idea what life would look like without fear and now I know because of Jan's book.
Our conversation was mainly about my own suffering (caused by thinking) and how freedom is already here, I am just not aware of it. I took pages of notes but they are very personal and I will treasure them. We talked about her spiritual path and what she thought led to the awakening but the point she was trying to make to me was that she wasn't exactly sure what led to it (maybe a combination of many things). It was a very special conversation that touched me profoundly. We ended the conversation with Jan telling me that I could drop all of my fear in an instant if I just chose to do so.
The book was a comfort to me and I am sure it would be a comfort to anyone suffering. It is filled with Jan's personal life and her insights. I give the book 5 stars out of 5. It is highly recommended because it doesn't try to fix fear or make you feel sick or mentally inferior, the book is all about transcending or awakening by seeing life from a completely different perspective. It is beautifully written and very poetic in spots. Get this book!
Here is a link to Jan's beautiful new website: http://www.janfrazierteachings.com/blog/